Life at Peace
Life at Peace
Use What You've Got!
What do you think you're good at? Nothing? A lot of things? The good news is that God has given us each a measure of talent, and one of the most exciting things in life is discovering what that is! The challenge, then, becomes staying in our lane and doing the best with what we've been given. In this way, we glorify God and bring joy to others at the same time!
Join me in this episode as we break down the parable of the talents, as told in Matthew 25.
You can also check out the rest of my family's channels at the links below!
Meanie Mosey: https://www.youtube.com/@MeanieMosey
The Gearhead Lounge: https://www.youtube.com/@TheGearheadLounge
Cheri Rentie Beauty: https://www.youtube.com/@cherirentiebeauty
The Renties of Houston: https://www.youtube.com/@therentiesofhouston
Check out the Life at Peace Podcast channel!